All You Need to Know About AGM (Annual General Meeting)


Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a significant event held by companies once a year to report to shareholders on the company’s performance, financial status, and future plans. It is a crucial platform for shareholders to exercise their rights and engage with the company’s management.

Purpose of AGM

The primary purpose of AGM is to provide shareholders with essential information about the company’s operations and financial health. Shareholders can ask questions, raise concerns, and vote on key decisions such as the election of board members, dividend payouts, and appointment of auditors. AGMs help promote transparency, accountability, and good governance within the company.

Agenda of AGM

The agenda of an AGM typically includes approval of financial statements, election of directors, appointment of auditors, and any other matters that require shareholder approval. The company’s board of directors usually decides on the agenda, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered. Shareholders may also propose agenda items in advance.

Conducting AGM

AGMs can be conducted in person or virtually, depending on the company’s articles of association and relevant regulations. In-person AGMs allow shareholders to physically attend the meeting, whereas virtual AGMs enable remote participation through online platforms. Proper notice of the meeting must be given to all shareholders, along with relevant documents and proxy voting forms.

Importance of AGM

AGMs play a vital role in maintaining transparency and accountability within companies. They provide a platform for shareholders to voice their concerns, hold the management accountable, and make informed decisions about their investment. AGMs also help build trust between the company and its shareholders, fostering a strong and healthy relationship.


In conclusion, AGM is a crucial event that serves as a cornerstone of corporate governance. By facilitating communication between shareholders and management, AGMs help ensure that companies operate in the best interests of their stakeholders. Shareholders should actively engage in AGMs to exercise their rights and contribute to the long-term success of the company.